70 cm3 of Your Chest is the volumina of blood an average adult heart pumps with one beat. It is also a crushing threepiece outfit from Vilnius, Lithuania (now living in Berlin) which plays heartfelt atmospheric music in the veign of Tidal Sleep, Touche Amore and alikes. This is what they say`bout themselves: Some of us had emotionally hard times while writing ‘when I was a dinosaur’- it was written in cooperation with pain, loss, childhood traumas and grief. In some sense it’s a tribute to the past and a lesson of letting go. Since it is pretty personal album and we are sure that many others can relate to the stories we tell, we are very happy we had a possibility to collaborate with Fabian from Sunsetter Recording Studio who did everything to make our vision happen. We had the best recording experience and we’re thankful that he kept it not only very professional but friendly and understanding as well. On 11th of April we are starting our 7th Europe tour through Switzerland, France and Spain heading towards Portugal to share “when I was a dinosaur” with everyone we’ll meet.
01. Stored up in my body
02. Repressed. Deluded.
03. Sharp pain, dull memories
04. When it stood by my side I shivered in fright
05. I ached
06. You never knew how dark this love is
07. The end of an era
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