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Wet The Rope is a hardcore band consisting of members of Pitchfork, Amber Inn, Sinker, Exhale and many others. It’s members have been actively making music for almost 30 years. „The Sum of Our Scars“ is their debut album, and while you can hear the influences of the members‘ previous bands, the anger of this LP may catch you by surprise. This album deals with the consequences of sexual abuse and predatory behavior. It is meant as both a personal and a political statement.
12 tracks of intense emotional pissed political hardcore!!!
01. Ashes Of Stone
02. Paulk Effect
03. This Malignance
04. I'll Follow You All The Way To Your Fiery Grave
05. Swing From The Heart
06. Heavy Heart, Heavy Hands
07. A Landscape Abraded
08. It Ends Here
09. Feminism Is Not A Tool To Get You Laid, Motherfucker
10. Snake Oil Over Science
11. Tapercut Silence
12. Nantucket Red Delicious
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