Genre: Punkrock
Label: Phantom
  • TAPE
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
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Artikelnummer: 018722 Release Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2022


„Aldi Ost: the debut of the male-fronted punk discounter. With a sympathetic and healthy pissedness, the distorted vocals wail their way through the seven songs, over the cutting surf guitar of the early Dead Kennedys and a rhythm fraction that just reigns hard! Live is the highlight when the singer’s jugular veins burst during the last song!
FFO: sweaty basement shows, dusty bridge shows, awesome guitar banging (not meant like solos and stuff like that), hate cops, hate SUVs!
NFFO: Cops in SUVs!“


01. SUV
02. Job In Security
03. Masculinity
04. Coma Chameleon
05. I Don't Wanna Lend You Money
06. Police Bastard
07. Berlin