Genre: Punkrock
Label: Subzine
  • LP
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Artikelnummer: 018630 Release Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2022


„Call The Cops from Bologna (Italy) play raw, fast and energetic hardcore punk. The 4 Punks started off in 2012 and in 2015 Julia joined the band.
In 2013 the band released „“Gun & Knife““ as pre-tour release. Since then the band has been touring all over Europe and released a split tape one year later and finally in 2016 their 1st LP „“Bastards““.“


01. call the cops
02. gun 'n' knife
03. they believe
04. fuck your sexuality
05. wasting my time
06. drugs take time
07. ode to riot
08. orizzonti di oppressione
09. punk attitude
10. burn the ground around the ambiguos clown / 11. gattini
12. this is not america
13. vegan proteins
14. agony of living