Genre: Noiserock
Label: Noise Appeal
  • LP
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
  • CD
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 018731 Release Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022


„Here is not copied at all, no – here genre boundaries are blown up effortlessly. By limiting to only two instruments (bass and drums) and two singers, the maximum of power is generated here with seemingly simple means.
Sophisticated riffs and arrangements give this production the unique Heckspoiler sound. Straight from the heart – choruses merge with uncompromising hardness and drama. The irrepressible presence of the two musicians is captured in the best possible way. „


01. Tokyo Drift
02. Profiliga
03. Angst
04. Neid
05. Elektrobike
06. Maurice
07. California
08. Jetzt ist Schluss
09. Summertime
10. Vendetta
11. Saufen