IN IRATUSFallen Lassen

Label: Ruin Nation
  • CD
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 018513 Release Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2022


A young and new punk band formed by some dedicated activists from the Bremen area! Their first 8 recorded songs impressed us, both music wise and lyric wise, so much that we decided to help them out with producing a proper demo CD and make it a benefit as well. In Iratus ( Latin for: „in rage“… roughly translated ) play a set of personal and political hardcore punk with polemic lyrics and shredding guitars. It’s aggressive and passionated without jumping on the modern band wagon of this so called „neo crust“ or what so ever… LIVE a joy to watch… 🙂 Comes with beautiful wood cut artwork by Armsrock in a hardpaper full color 12 page booklet sleeve including artwork and lyrics as well as informations on „anti-repression“ activism …


01. Undurchschwimmbar
02. Unkontrollierbar
03. Egel Ekelstaat
04. Erste Weltsicht
05. Saures Blut
06. Mauern
07. Plastikspaten
08. Edelmut