Genre: Noiserock
Label: Geenger
  • LP
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 018303 Release Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021


Kevlar Bikini strikes back with their fourth album meaningfully named „OPT-OUTism“. This Zagreb-based hardcore punk trio delivers another comprehensive collection of immensely powerful tunes, which have been saturated with gracious servings of magnificent elements of metal and noise rock. The band sounds vital, relevant, highly energetic throughout the entire album without any intention to decrease the intensity and slow down.
We are talking about the band who did this whole social distancing and self-isolation thing long before it was cool. As a result, they have a new album „OPT-OUTism“, which provides sheer sonic aggression separated in ten high-octane compositions, loaded with threatening vocals, massive riffs, catchy basslines and a badass drumming performance that will certainly shake your entire body.


01. Ballerina's Toes
02. Bride in a Torn Up Wedding Dress
03. Night Shift Monomania
04. Failing as an Adult
05. Feral Fun
06. Son of a Grinder
07. The Wailer
08. Flirting with Nihilism
09. Quench
10. Oozing Optimism