PISSEJammertal / Vetschau

Label: Phantom
  • 7"
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 020023 Release Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024


In year eleven of the bands existence, they finally fullfil every fans heartwish of a collaboration with one of the most important, most beautiful and most prominent voices in german-speaking punk! You got it: Franny Fränzen (B’schiszn, Telesatan, Sharizza).
Brezel Göring did record everything in his pee-ka-bo dungeon in Berlin-Kreuzberg and the only two citizen of honour of Chemnitz, Zomber (Pisse chauffeur) and Jan Kummer (AG Geige) worked on a very beautiful cover artwork.
And if this isn’t already enough! There is a b-side track aswell and the record was mastered via Melody Men in Texas. Yes, Texas!


01. Jammertal feat. Franny Fränzen
02. Vetschau feat. B.B. Casa de Roca