PISSED ONESPiss In Your Pocket

Genre: Punkrock
Label: Wanda
  • LP
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 019151 Release Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023


Reissue of the first PO vinyl longplayer from 2016. Snotty, stripped-down 77s punk’n’roll in raw format, made in Dresden. 10 snotty-simple songs (there are slight overlaps with the tape-only debut „All pissed up“) between UK originals (early LURKERS, EATER, DRONES etc.) and current retro dudes like THE BRIEFS and THE STITCHES. Contains no cuddle, the band name is program: „Better than you“, „Fuck the scene“, „Boring“. 26 minutes in a heartfelt „Fuck off!“ mode.


01. Don't You Get It
02. Boring
03. Better Than You
04. No Good
05. FFF
06. Hair
07. Fuck The Scene
08. Need No
09. Too Much Input
10. Mailorder