Genre: Punkrock
  • 7"
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 014726 Release Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2017


„Out of the ashes of great things there will rise an even greater thingy“ (Socrates). Yeah, this melody driven Punk Rock Band out of Berlin is truly one of the great things that the year 2016 had to offer. With members of Blank Pages, Idle Hands, Die Tunnel, Out on a limb, Dulac and Randy’s Ripcord, RUBY resembles the superheros of Punk Rock. Dark and catchy downstro- ke Guitars, earworm quality hooks and male/female singer taking turns are a pretty solid guarantee for a flawless Punk record. You‘re welcome.


01. Deadlock
02. Breakdown
03. Times
04. Bad Trip