Genre: Garagepunk
Label: Bachelor
  • LP
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 019434 Release Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023


What blend of music we like most? GARAGE PUNK!
What we dig too in summer while sippin‘ on Mai Tais? SURF! Why isn’t there a group of teenage ne’er-do-wells who can combine these two genres to entertain us and hundreds of other trash loving individuals? THERE IS!!! Oh yes, three very active scenesters who play in maybe 10 other bands as well gave it a shot, and here is a record they cut under the strange moniker SALAMIRECORDER & THE HI-FI PHONOS. I did not ask them about the reason or meaning of this band name. I supposed i won’t get any enlightning answers anyway. But well! Here it is! A record full of fresh trashy garage surf punk music with a truckload of reverb and echoes, and cryptic song titles. No mere nostalgia mongers, SALAMIRECORDER & THE HI-FI PHONOS sound old and new at the same time, the songs are sometimes harsh and loud but still contain enough melody to turn every live show into a wylde dance party!


01. Quvertuere
02. No Sorry
03. Ym
04. Shitty Friends
05. Losin' My Head
06. Eyeliner
07. Hide
08. Always Depressed
09. Can't You See