THE SWAMPSRockin Mess!!!

Genre: Garagepunk
Label: Groovie
  • LP
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
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Artikelnummer: 014734 Release Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017


Remember The Gories with their fucked up solos, off tempo and beat, sounding as wasted as they can be? This is the japanese
translation. Infused with fury of the blood orange sun, its a collection of rollicking tunes for the rollers, rockin’raucousness for the rockers, and carnal drumming for the carnivores that will send your ass dancing to Nippon.


01. Swamp Rism
02. Thirty one I scream
03. Short Shirts
04. H.A.T.E
05. God Bless You!
06. Round and Round
07. Aint Love Me Baby
08. Rockin' Die!
09. Ass Holes
10. Acid Wray Men
11. Smokestack Lightnin