VOIGHT KAMPFFlast house on the right

  • 7"
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 013920 Release Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015


VOIGHT KAMPFF are back with two new killer songs! These are the first recordings since their debut in 2012 and you can hear that for sure. ‚Last House on the right‘ and ‚Little Dyings‘ are a little bit more in the wake of Colin’s last band SAFE- WORDS, which means more Post than Punk, more Computer than drums and more Wave than Garage. This 7″ could have been a really great release in the 80’s – now it’s an even more awesome new little platter for the Generation Y or whatever the hell young folks are called these days.


01. Last House On The Right
02. Little Dyings