YESTERDAYS RINGGoodbye Nightlife

Genre: Punkrock
Label: Little Rocket
  • LP blue
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
  • LP orange
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 019071 Release Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022


Yesterday’s Ring is a country-folk band from Montreal founded in 2000 in Memphis, Tennessee, by singer Hugo Mudie, guitarist Fred Jacques and guitarist Louis Valiquette. Yesterday’s Ring was born from road adventures while the musicians were on tour in the United States with their punk band, The Sainte Catherines.


01. Drag Me Down
02. Friendly Distance
03. For A Friend
04. Finkle is Einhorn
05. Backtalk
06. Burning Letters
07. 1000 Thoughts
08. Me & Jack
09. Back to Normal
10. True Patriot Love
11. The Truce
12. Nine!
13. Day Job