YACÖPSAETanz, Grosny, Tanz...

Label: Power It Up
  • LP
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
SKU: 019178 Release Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2023


Official re-press of probably the best Yacöpase LP. Nothing can be faster than Hamburg’s top turboboner speed herb violence master. They’ve been delivering stop-and-go hyperblasts of fast-paced hardcore rage for more than 25 years. The real key of how the formula short + fast + loud should be handled is all here. Remastered and the artwork has been reworked.


01. Tanz, Grosny, Tanz ...
02. Bedeutungslos
03. Drama
04. Verbrannt
05. Eiland
06. Fäulnis
07. A.(R)Sch
08. Profilneurotiker
09. Themenabend
10. Drahtseilakt
11. Deutschnazional
12. Adenauer
13. Frost
14. Narrenkappe
15. Antagonismus
16. Maranatha
17. Kreislaufkollaps
18. Erkenntnistheorie
19. Herz
20. Nebenraum
21. Hassbatzen
22. Metaphysik
23. Sch(w)ein
24. Skalpiert
25. Vogelfrei