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MELNYK, LUBOMYRThe Lund - St.Petri Symphony

Genre: Klassik
  • DoLP
    Includes 19% MwSt.
SKU: 015391 Release Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018


” In 1978 I arrived for my first time to Sweden, to the town of Lund .. and there I met a remarkable man named Jean Sellem who ran a tiny gallery in the middle of the town, “The Galleri St.Petri: Dedicated To Modern Art and Thought “… and he was one of the few and first people who saw the greatness and beauty of Continuous Music .. and since I was a complete “unknown” at that time, I really needed his moral support ! — and he created with me, the idea of a huge work for multiple pianos … three pianos .. in stages …
and it became as he had envisioned ! and was first performed on a small upright piano in 1978 in his gallery, and the piece was called THE LUND.St.PETRI SYPMPHONY .. becuase it was so symphonic in grandeur (once the three pianos came together …)
The Lund – St. Petri Symphony, from 1979, is the second album from Lubomyr Melnyk and the first composition for double piano which he released. In this work, the early minimalist tendencies which played such a major part in the emergence of Continuous music, are very significant and clearly evident. This Double LP set sold out within 1 year of production, Only 1000 copies were made.
Original Release: 1980
Limited All Analog Remastering Recording