The A-side of the LP contains the “Amis Raus” demo by the Kempten band Rotting Carcass. Nine intense songs played in a fast HC/Punk sound. The B-side contains the few good live recordings, the whole thing took place on January 20, 1985 at the Böblinger Krokodil. Rough material, but a brilliant recording for that time. Comes with booklet, new pictures, interview with the then singer Hesse and the drummer Kurty. An important publication in German punk/hardcore history.
01. Afghanistan
02. Ernstfall
03. Amis Raus
04. Nato Alarm
05. 0 8 /1 5
06. Just For Fun
07. Nuttenficker
08. Kotz Dich Frei
09. Zusammen sind wir stark
10. Computer
11. Gerechtigkeit
12. Just For Fun
13. Egal
14. Fuck
15. Göttelästerer
16. Alle Gleich
17. Komische Menschen
18. Unknown
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