TOLTSHOCKRétrospective 1999-2003

Genre: Oi!
  • LP
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 019782 Release Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2023


At the dawn of the 2000s, in Paris, a small revival of the oi! scene was taking place. Toltshock will be the wild and proletarian fringe. A unique band in the French scene.
In 15 tracks, a selection of their 3 studio sessions, one of which is totally unreleased. Very nice folding sleeve and a lot of bonuses.


01. Brixton Boogie
02. Au point du jour
03. Freddy
04. Mauvais garçon
05. Haut les cœurs
06. Violence everywhere
07. Workers
08. No right.
09. Les mecs en bleu
10. Choisis ton camp
11. Alright
12. Emergency
13. Brixton Boogie 2
14. Couple of drink
15. Toutes ces années