YC-CYWake Me Up Again

Genre: Postpunk
Label: Phantom
  • 7"
    Enthält 19% MwSt.
    zzgl. Versand
Artikelnummer: 020025 Release Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024


Once again this consistency, this „step forward“ attitude of that swiss Noise-Industrial-Postpunk-Wave-hybrid und what a huge step this release is this time. Impelling hard, off-kilter end of time-familiar, dark & brutal in core and really leaving nobody abandoning. The (preliminary and) through and through logical culmination of the previous releases in a 4-track 7inch, covered in an ebony 450g cardboard with a matte-silverfoil embossing.


01. Ecstasy
02. Figure Of Speech
03. Drought
04. Birthright